Song data switchboard

No playlist supplied. A sample playlist is shown. So the song and artist shown are bound not to be in this playlist.


Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley

Genres: rock-and-roll, rockabilly

Search biographies of Elvis Presley at:
Wikipedia NL - Wikipedia EN - All Music Guide - MCN encyclopedie - Belgian Pop & Rock Archives - Google.


Are You Lonesome Tonight?

Releases containing this track:
Discogs - - Centrale Discotheek Rotterdam (

About this song:
All Music Guide - - - Google

About original and cover versions of this song: - -

Samples: samples used or this song sampled - (both).

In the charts and lists:
top40web -

Watch and listen:
YouTube - Spotify

audio features:

duration: 3:06
tempo: 73.093 bpm
time signature: 3/4
key: C major
danceability: 0.433
energy: 0.0748
speechiness: 0.049
acousticness: 0.92
instrumentalness: 0.00104
liveness: 0.105
valence: 0.193

about the song data switchboard:

Song data switchboard is a web service by In1woord that helps to quickly find data about songs and artists on a variety of music related web sites. A song can be either entered manually or selected from a playlist you provide.

Song data switchboard is built on the ruins of Ome Piets Überapparaat, a tool I once made mostly for the benefit of listeners of a particular radio show of which the playlists are now no longer online. I expanded and adapted it to accept Spotify playlists as input.

Here are some playlists to try:


N.B.: This list is based on this playlist, linking all songs in it with the song data switchboard.